The Cardio-CARE at Medizincampus Davos, Switzerland, is funded by the Kühne Foundation. With 13 million Swiss Francs, it enables the largest research program to date for genome decoding in German-speaking regions. The main aims of our project are to
- better understand the genetic basic of cardiovascular diseases,
- improve its diagnosis, and
- identify drug targets.
This multidisciplinary project benefits from the intensive collaboration between the Kühne Foundation, the University Medical Center Zurich (USZ), and the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE).
“In future, diseases will be better avoided and cured if we help the medical profession to better understand the occurrence of disease in each individual.”
─ Prof. Dr. h.c. Klaus-Michael Kühne ─
Everything about Cardio-CARE
- Experts in pre-processing of large-scale high-throughput genome sequences.
- Experts in data analysis of high-throughput genome sequences.
- Long-standing experience in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
- Support planning, conduct and analysis of trials focusing on cardiovascular diseases and personalized medicine.
- Support planning, conduct and analysis of trials focusing on medical devices, such as telemonitoring.
- Perform friendly customer-oriented biostatistical and bioinformatical consulting.
Diagnostic accuracy of a machine learning algorithm using point-of-care high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I for rapid rule-out of myocardial infarction: a retrospectiv study
We are excited to share our latest research from Cardio-CARE, in collaboration with the University Heart and Vascular Center Hamburg at the University Medical Center
Neue Qualitätskontrollmethoden für Genomsequenzierungsdaten
Ein internationales Team von Cardio-CARE in Davos, dem Universitätsspital Zürich und dem Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf entwickelt entscheidende Schritte zur Gewinnung qualitativ hochwertiger Daten in groß angelegten